Thermostatic Expansion Valve Series RFGD

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Thermostatic Expansion Valve Series RFGD

ref. Thermostatic Expansion Valve Series RFGD

RFGD series thermostatic expansion valves are used to adjust mass flow of refrigerant into the evaporator while controlling the refrigerant´s superheat at the outlet of the evaporator. They can be used for various refrigerants under all working conditions. Typical applications are refrigeration systems like commercial refrigerators and freezers, icemakers, dehumidifiers as well as air conditioners at various evaporation temperatures.


•    Compact design with build-in orifice
•    Warm thermo head construction
•    All connections pipes are completely in copper
•    Valves with MOP function can be provided to assure reliable compressor operation
•    Applicable in a wide evaporation temperature range
•    Reliable and consistent performance of superheat control
•    Balanced Port – suitable for reversible cycles
•    Thermal bulb utilizes cross charge technology, providing consistent superheat degree over the whole evaporation temperature range

General Specification

•    Applicable for all common HCFC and HFC refrigerants such as:
R22, R134a, R404A, R407C, R410A, R507
•    Ambient temperature min./max.: -35/+55°C

•    Medium temperature TS min./max.:  -40°C / +70°C
  -60°C / +70°C
•    Max. operating pressure PS: 2,1 … 4,5 MPa  (21 … 45 bar)
1) Max. operating pressure is related to the used refrigerant 

•    Installation position: -  Preferably valve head upwards
            - Main flow direction from inlet A to outlet B
•    Certifications: UL/CSA and PED declaration

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